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The Visitation Program

Frequent Questions

Have you ever had a question and didn’t know where to find the answer? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  1. What does the Visitation Center do?

    We provide a safe, neutral location for supervised visitation or exchanging of children. We strive to provide a friendly, comfortable atmosphere for both children and parents to spend their time.

  2. What is Supervised Visitation?

    Supervised visitation are visits between a child and a significant adult figure in their life, while being monitored by an Access Assistant through video and audio devices. Great care is taken to ensure the safety and positive interaction of children and adults at all times.

  3. What are Monitored Exchanges?

    Monitored exchanges are exchanges of children between custodial and non-custodial parents. The same care is taken during an exchange as is during a visit. Staff facilitates the exchanges so that no interaction is had between parents.

  4. What Security Measures do you use?

    The Visitation Center has skilled, professional staff who are trained on the ways that safety could be compromised and what to do should a problem arise. We use a state of the art video and audio monitoring system, panic buttons & maglock doors.

  5. Do you have to have a court order to use our services?

    No, you do not need a court order. Although, if you have no court order and are wanting a parent to do supervised visits we must do what we call a “Lock Down Visit.” During these visits, the “custodial parent” must remain in the locked building, in a separate room, for the duration of the visit.

  6. Will I have to see/ talk to the other parent?

    No, parents arrive and depart at separate times. However, if you would like to communicate, we have parent communication forms that you can fill out and have passed to the other parent.

  7. What are the exchange and visit hours?

    The Visitation Center offers visits and exchanges: Monday-Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday’s from 8am-5pm and Sunday’s from 10pm-7pm

  8. How much does it cost?

    The Visitation Center visits and exchanges are free for participating families. For clients requesting any kind of documentation associated with their visits, we do charge certain fees for those things.
    Extra Fees:
    -Client Tracking Sheet (report of dates and times or all scheduled visits/exchanges, arrival times, cancellation or no shows of each parent) $15.00
    -Monitor Forms (Non Custodial Parent only. Any correspondence requested by the Custodial Parent must be subpoenaed) $1.00 per page for forms. $5.00 minimum for flash drive. $15.00 per hour to export and burn videos to a flash drive.

  9. How does an exchange work?

    One parent arrives with the child(ren) 10 minutes prior to the scheduled exchange time. The Access Assistant will escort the child(ren) to the opposite parent. The parent who arrived 10 minutes early, then waits 10 mins after the other parent leaves. The 10-minute waiting time is alternated between parents, except for in the case of a protection order. The parent that the protection order is against, must arrive 10 mins early to every exchange.

  10. How does a supervised visit work?

    The visiting parent arrives at the Visitation Center 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of their visit. The Access Assistant will greet the parent and log any items brought for the visit and then takes them to a visiting room. The child(ren) will arrive at the exact designated start time and the Access Assistant will take the child(ren) to the visiting room. Once the visit is over and the child(ren) have left, the visiting parent will remain in the visiting room for 10 minutes and then be released.

  11. What happens if a parent doesn’t comply with the center’s policies?

    Any time a parent breaks a policy it is addressed with the parent and documented, it could also result in a cancellation of a visit or a suspension. If there is a court order, The Visitation Center will send a letter to the judge to let them know of this outcome.

  12. How do you ensure confidentiality of my information?

    All information is kept completely confidential, however, we are subject to subpoenas by each parent’s attorney as well as the court.

  13. What if my child doesn’t want to visit?

    It is important that the custodial parent always bring the child to the center for the visit. We will never force a child, however, most of the time the staff members are able to build enough trust and confidence so that there is a meaningful visit.

  14. Can I serve the other parent with papers at The Visitation Center?

    No. We strive to promote a safe, friendly and neutral environment for parent/child relationships. Serving any kind of papers would undermine those goals.

Our Current impact This Year

  • Individuals Served by the Visitation Center


  • Hours of Supervised Visitation


  • Number of Supervised Exchanges


  • Children Served by Advocates


  • Children Waiting for an Advocate


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